Women and the Bible
-Women, as a metaphor, not worried about biology, but metaphors of the feminine and the social conditions of women
Metaphor = literary condition; women = social condition; but porous and influences each other
-Aristotle’s definition of metaphor: “giving a name for one thing to something else.”
-Eve: a feminine metaphor
-The Tanak as a library, compiled over thousands of years.
Attitude towards women in the Hebrew bible: patriarchal = patro(father) archy(rules)
Women are women, and all men are women….
-Gender asymmetry: culture is uneven, on top are metaphors of masculinity, on bottom are metaphors of femininity.
-Today, we are living in the disillusion of patriarchy.
Lot and His daughters – in the cave on the mountain, another beginning, start of creation; women and the bible constantly worried about procreation. Both daughters sleep with father to continue their kin. The most important thing, to preserve the father’s seed.
-The feminine associated with sexuality in two ways: procreation and sin. Feminine Metaphors vs. Women. Control of women in order to control the babies.
-Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the founders, the focus of Genesis. Yet the Women, Sarah, Leah, Rachel, are the pivotal characters in the stories.
-Husband and wife vs. Man and wife. Contemporary labels vs. patriarchy labels.
Genesis 29 – detail about the well, the stone covering the well, Laban and Jacob, masculine and feminine. Jacob’s smooth face.
-Lynda’s rule #12; women in a patriarchy are not despised but feared because they are so powerful.
Teraphim: household gods, deeds to the property. Women… Laban angry that his daughters ran away with Jacob, Rachel had the household gods in her camel saddle, Laban wants to search her tent but she’s “in the way of women.” Men scared, worried about women’s menstruation.
New TESTament, Old TESTament. Circumcision, a vow, a man of hid word.
-Jeptha’s daughter, Judges 11
-Numbers 30 – if the men make a vow to the Lord they can never break it; if a woman makes a vow, it can be broken according to her father. Patriarchy.
-Prophets, writing begin in 8th century BCE, pure Yahweh-ists, can’t have any outside contamination; believe the way to worship is to be good to one another.
-Yahweh to Amis: I hate and despise your feast days. The way to worship is not to cut up and eat animals but to be good to one another.
1. social justice; 2. Cultic purity.
Hosea: Yahweh to Hosea: “Go take a wife of whoredom.” an unworthy woman. Why? Israel likened to a woman, which means she is unfaithful. Hosea then becomes the wronged, noble husband.
Unike Plotz who thinks biblical women are prostitutes; the Women are deviating sexually as a performance of Israel deviating Yahweh.
Jeremiah: 7:18 women kneading dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven. (vulva cakes) the essence of the body, the eating of the god. Yahweh is pissed.
44:15 – not everyone agrees with the Yahweh-ism. Town doesn’t want to listen.
“One religion in the whole world: patriarchy” A biblical scholar, unfortunately didn’t catch her name.