-For notes, this blog should be helpful, and Thomas' blog is exquisite. Check his blog for interactive, linked material. My class blog notes will focus on the in-class material, what we discuss and talk about in class, and Dr. Sexson's never-ending knowledge on literary terms from his century and ours.
-Eric Auerbauch's essay "Odysseus's Scar" at http://www.westmont.edu/~fisk/Articles/OdysseusScar.html -READ IT-
-Homer gives us all the information, the bibles leaves gaps, lacuna. These gaps make it incredible difficult and ambiguous to interpret the bible, find meaning.
-Homer writes horizontally, the bible writes vertically.
-Nick's Blog, "The Lonely God" What are gods motives? Why does he do all this? Maybe god is lonely, needs fellowship? Or he just needs entertainment.
Perhaps god's bored and lonely
mythos:myths stories and conflicts, the most important part of literature. Without conflict, what would there be?
-ASSIGNMENT - Have a bad day and blog about it. Addition, and have a perfect day, tell us about it; think about the good day and the bad day, reflect and think, why me? Song: "The End of a Perfect Day"
-No where in the bible does it say, "God helps those who help themselves."
Heart of the Class, Bible: Why is this happening to me? The book of JOB; why me?
Frye; teachers and students, answers and question. Teachers ask questions because they don't want to "consolidate the mental level on which the question is asked."
-the TNK (tanak): torah= law, N'vi-im=prophets, K'tuvim=writings; three letter acronym. Think about license plates "FTHRS" or one of my favorites "W8N4SNO" on my forth grade teachers motorcycle :)
Mythology of human hubris: pride and arrogance, Aristotle's story of man and woman as one entity until they're sliced apart by Zeus to keep them from fighting.
The Tower of Babel: