Class Notes: 10/29/09
Best dorm to trick or treat in = Roskie
-Prudential wisdom (practical) vs. skeptical (darker) wisdom, in Ecclesiastes the pointless, futile, vanity, hebel = breath; think about Samuel Beckett’s short play, one act, one breath.
-The Book of Job: The Fenemies’ excuses for Job’s treatment.
-Hamlet and Polonius, skeptical and prudential wisdom. Polonius thinks of himself as a teacher, wise, his advice to Laertes, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” And that is excellent advice, in the vein of prudential wisdom. Later he says, “to thine own self be true,” yet Polonius isn’t even true to himself.
-Hamlet, the skepticist. His soliloquy, similar to Job’s wailing;
-Do we go to heaven, or hell, at the age we were when we die? Why can’t everyone go to the afterlife young?
-Katherine’s blog- “Eureka” Job, Chapter 42:2-5;
Two archetypes of views of gods: Greek, pagan, man centered; and the religious, submissive, God centered.
-Read Thomas’ poem on suffering.
-Fletcher’s entry on Balaam and his donkey
-Read Nick’s Blog, darker probing into the bible.
-Lisette on Psalms 23
-The Book Of Job-
-Chapter 14: Carpe Diem! –Life goes quickly, enjoy it while it lasts.
-Chapter 19.19 “escaped by the skin of my teeth”
-Ch. 29, 30, every chapter. Challenge to God at the end of Ch. 31
-Elihu- the younger, slightly smarter scholar
-The Epiphany: sudden manifestation of the divine, in Ch. 38; God Answers. “I’m God, I made everything, and who are you, mortal, to question me? Buwhahahaha!!”
-Chapter 42.2-5; redundant parallelism, “hear by the hearing of the ear,”
-Seven sons and three daughters, ‘the daughters of Job’
-Masonic – Free Masons, secret ceremonies.
-FRYE- Read pages 191-197 on Job for test.
-The U shaped narrative, a character falls from a higher place, mentally or physically, to a lower one and then ascension back up.
-The disconnection or disproportionate relation of the crime to the punishment.
-Interestingly Frye accepts the ironic ending of Job, because of the structure, the U. Whish insinuates that the bible may be more comedy than tragedy, only in that it ends happily. –Similar to Dante’s Divine Comedy.
-Only four people have heard the word Islam, which means submission.
For Tuesday, read Nick’s Blog on The Gospel Of John, the odd Gospel out, why?