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Ben Miller -Biblical Foundations of Literature - English 240
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Class Notes 9-29, the day before it snowed

Mandatory attendance Thursday Oct. 1!  Women in the BibleExam next Thursday, Fyre Chapters 1-3

Read “Odysseus's Scar”

-Hermeneutics: science of interpretation especially with the bible; Hermes, the god of messages.

-Fletcher’s Blog:  rewrite of Genesis 22, with the lacunas filled in.  Check it out.

-The Cities of the Plain: The cities of Sodom and Gamorrah; inspiration for many writers including Proust, and Cormac McCarthy. 

-Don’t use the word “just,” it diminishes the value of whatever it’s talking about.  Just is just stupid. 

-Kierkegaard: Danish philosopher, “Fear and Trembling and the Sickness unto Death”

-Sodomy, unnatural sexual practices

-Visitations from the divine, visitations from the K-9!

-Contradictory Abraham, which leads to Lot and his daughters.

-19:8 - Lot tells the men to do what they want with his daughters not his men. 

-DO NOT LOOK:  The story of Acteon, who looked at the naked woman in the pool.

-Lot’s wife looks back and is turned into a pillar of salt. 19:26

“Bland old Isaac;” Jacob the trickster; The Bed Trick – the ol’ switcher-oo; 

-Jacob’s wrestling match – with whom?  An angel, a man?  It doesn’t say angel, only man.  But where did this man come from? Jacob’s hip thrown-out; the man tells him his name is changed to Israel. New name, new personality

-Genesis 34; The Rape of Dinah – Plotz’s inspiration for writing his book, he was stunned to read The Rape of Dinah.

-Carpe Diem: make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future. 

Joseph and His Brothers aka Sibling Rivalry

- Joseph, a round character, intricate, complex, human, silly because he’s young.

-Joseph is sold into slavery in Egypt by the Midianites.  Repetitive Parallelism of what Joseph looks like, his attributes, ‘handsome and good-looking,’ a true boy scout.

-The False accusation against Joseph that he raped the master’s wife; the chaste youth and the amorous woman.’  Joseph interprets dreams, first the Pharaoh’s servants in prison, than the Pharaoh’s dreams.  

Posted by bmcycleski at 7:11 PM EDT
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