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Ben Miller -Biblical Foundations of Literature - English 240
Thursday, 24 September 2009
class notes 9-24

-For notes, this blog should be helpful, and Thomas' blog is exquisite.  Check his blog for interactive, linked material.  My class blog notes will focus on the in-class material, what we discuss and talk about in class, and Dr. Sexson's never-ending knowledge on literary terms from his century and ours.  

-Eric Auerbauch's essay "Odysseus's Scar" at  -READ IT-

-Homer gives us all the information, the bibles leaves gaps, lacuna.  These gaps make it incredible difficult and ambiguous to interpret the bible, find meaning.

-Homer writes horizontally, the bible writes vertically.  

-Nick's Blog, "The Lonely God"  What are gods motives?  Why does he do all this? Maybe god is lonely, needs fellowship?  Or he just needs entertainment.  

Perhaps god's bored and lonely 

mythos:myths  stories and conflicts, the most important part of literature.  Without conflict, what would there be?


-ASSIGNMENT - Have a bad day and blog about it. Addition, and have a perfect day, tell us about it; think about the good day and the bad day, reflect and think, why me?   Song: "The End of a Perfect Day" 

-No where in the bible does it say, "God helps those who help themselves."

Heart of the Class, Bible:  Why is this happening to me? The book of JOB; why me?   

Frye; teachers and students, answers and question.  Teachers ask questions because they don't want to "consolidate the mental level on which the question is asked."


-the TNK (tanak): torah= law, N'vi-im=prophets, K'tuvim=writings; three letter acronym.  Think about license plates "FTHRS" or one of my favorites "W8N4SNO" on my forth grade teachers motorcycle :)


Mythology of human hubris: pride and arrogance, Aristotle's story of man and woman as one entity until they're sliced apart by Zeus to keep them from fighting.  

The Tower of Babel:                                                                                 

-Off the record- Stories and laughter, the most important aspect of relationships; choose a funny, fun mate not the only a "hot" mate.
-The snake and the woman.  Both subtle, wisdom of the snake, cunning
 of the female.
-Genesis 15:  The lord as Abram's shield, but Abram needs heirs, children, from his wife, not just his concubines and servants. God finally "opens her womb." Ishmael born to Hagar and and Abram
-Isaac born to Abraham and Sarah;  Isaac = he laughs.  
-Circumcision - what's the importance? Abraham's covenant with god, all men must bear the scar of the covenant, a circumcised penis.  Abraham as the head of a great nation, no pun intended... or maybe so....
The Movie: good images, but bad answers and narration, absurd music.  Sound bites, lies.  But the art is there, the art is what's important.
-God needs to be entertained, and the best entertainment is not television or the movies, the best entertainment is sitting with friends and telling stories.     


 "If I were a rich man" - the sweetest thing of all, sitting with the learned man, discussing the holy books for hours a day.
Genesis 22: The command to sacrifice Isaac; Abraham finally got a son but then must sacrifice him.  The Lacuna, Why doesn't Isaac say anything, resist?  Then God intervenes.  It's easy to say god was testing Abraham, but what else can we say?   

Posted by bmcycleski at 12:57 PM EDT
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