It's nearly impossible to "read" the entire bible, -even Dr. Sexson admits he hasn't read the whole thing - or so I'm saying he said.
Patriarch - from pater - or the head of the family. Notable biblical patriarchs thus far include: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The role of women in the bible, not as Plotz says they are prostitutes, but women are subtle and deceptive in the bible, mysterious and hard to decipher.
The Hidden Book in the Bible = Book of J
The Sabbath Sunday, rest for god's work on the seventh day; tradition, and repetition; it's mythology
The snake isn't satan, isn't the devil, just bad. He tempted people to do what they shouldn't. In the beginning the serpent had legs too, until god cursed the serpent to slither on its belly. -this is a late myth of the understanding of the snake.
-In The Epic of Gilgamesh, (oldest literary work in the world) the search for immortality; it contains a flood story, Gilgamesh finds lake and pulls plant and is tempted to eat from the fruit. But he falls asleep, zzzzz, and the snake comes by and eats the plant. The snake sheds it's skin and then becomes younger.
-Interestingly the snake is wise, and knows the knowledge of good and evil, which he tempt adam and eve with. So mythologically the snake was good, and wise; through stories and myths the snakes been given a bad reputation.
-The buddy movie has been around forever, it's just been made worse and worse into bromances though.
-The gnostic snake on the cross, a symbol of wisdom. gnostic=knowledge
-Cain and Abel
KNOW = SEX "Now the man knew his wife Eve.." And babies are made!
lacuna are gaps in the text, such as the question, where id Cain's wife come from? (Lilla, who's not in the bible) How tall was eve? What color were her eyes?
-Abel was a keeper of sheep; Cain was a tiller of the earth. Abel gives the lord animals, Cain gives him veggies and fruit. And God favors Abel. God loves meat, he ain't no vegan!
-For some reason Cain's offering is not as equal as Abel's and so jealousy is born. Cain slays Abel and tells god he doesn't know what happened to him, 'is he his brother's keeper?' He lied. Jealousy and lies go hand in hand. Cain's punishment: the inability to till the ground and he becomes a fugitive and wanderer on earth.
-The mark of Cain - is certainly not black people, whoever says so deserves to be kicked in the nuts, and read the bible!!
-The Fugitive - an archetype, a model narrative, something that happens again and again, the archetype of the fugitive and the wanderer.
-Harold Bloom says there is no such thing as a correct reading of a text, only incorrect reading, it's impossible to read the text correctly.
*[if you don't know the work of Shakespeare and the Bible then you've shorted yourself of the most influential literature, ever]*
-Notice the repetitive parallelism in the poetry passage in Genesis 4:23
-Read some Thomas Mann
Enoch's walk with god, and kidnapping. Is he the only one? Why him? Genesis 5:21
-Hyperbole - the exaggeration of something on purpose for emphasis. Examples in the bible are everywhere, when so and so lives for three hundred years.
-Angelology - theological dogma or speculation concerning angels.
God's divine entourage. Angels? Demons? Snakes? You and I? the earth?
-Noah's Arc - The Great Flood - The Sign, the bow in the clouds, rainbows -