Ty's graphic novel blog
Powerpoint presentation by Sexson: Sources of Pentateuch, aka Torah
Documentary Hypothesis: by Julius Wellhousen.
Blooms alphabet soup, also suggest is wasn't until 18th century that people read the bible with documentary hypothesis; the bible has gone through thousands of years of editing and redaction. Bloom's "Book of J" hit the best readers list.
The Four Writers of the Bible
J (yahwist) the story teller, uses yahweh for god, vivd concrete style; anthropomorphic view of diety; begins at Genesis 2:4b; uses term Mount Sinai where Mosaic covenent
E (elohist) uses elohim (plural form of divine powers) more abstract;
D (deuteronomist) responsible for deuteronomy. out of sync with time of moses; reflects literary style and religious attitudes of Josiah's reform, alos edits histories of Joshua through 2nd kings
P (priestly) best shot at writing is in Genesis 1, not to influential, emphasizes priestly concerns, legalistic and cultic aspects of religion, dry precise lists,
Bloom Points of J:
- essentially a comic writer; - an ironist (dissembler); - K. James Version is "one of the handful of truly sublime styles in English." (27); - Stories not holy tales, she was not a religious writer, shows no fear of Yahweh. He is a lively fellow, with little in common with dog of P or the Prophet Jeremiah; - she had no heroes, only heroines; - talking animals, lustful Elohim, deceitful Patriarchs, ambitious women anxious to break into blessing, murderous founders of the tribes of Isreal, a drunken Noah, a raging Yahweh out of control even by himself - these were shrugged of by rabbis; - When script becomes scripture, reading is numbed by taboo and inhibition.
Blogs: check each other's blogs; chances are one in three you'll find something you were thinking about or wanted to say and other fascinating, enjoyable information.
-Jason and Bloom discussing the divine fist-fight. An origin of circumcision and the place that made Bloom believe that Yahweh is a woman. "There is and can be none."
Don't be Boring, find the interest. Overcome the Anxiety of Influence!
Genesis 2.4b Anything before is P. from 2.4b on is J giving her account of creation. Notice the usage of Lord God, not just God. Adam, from adama which means earth. Everything can be traced back to an explanation. Garden of Eden in Iraq. Adam names all the animals. God takes a rib from Adam and creates woman, Eve
Etiology = an explanation of how something came to be.
Never really an original Bible because it's been translated so much.
We're all gonna die! Because in the beginning people died and babies were either blue-light specials, flown in by the stork, or found under a cabbage patch.
There is nothing original, everything has happened before, the past possesses the present,
We all ran around naked as children!!! Just like Adam and Eve. Is the bible children's literature.
The etiology of the snake, what did they look like with legs, before God made them slither on their belly?
Mythos = story; stories don't teach fundamentally but by providing a net of experience.