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Ben Miller -Biblical Foundations of Literature - English 240
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Intro thoughts

And another semester begins.  

I was thoroughly amused during our first Biblical Foundations of Literature Class today.  Dr. Sexson never ceases to enlighten and entertain me, and most other students it appears.  He is a masterful teacher in that way and he encourages, discovers, and unveils the same in his students.  For those of you who've never had Dr. Sexson as a professor yet you're in for a treat.  Not only will you leave the classroom with enough fascinating knowledge that'll take years to organize, but you'll laugh and cry, read more than you thought you could, possibly find yourself obsessed with the blog aspect of class, and find all of it gratifying, all of it actually fun - which is what it should be.     



Where this class takes a twist for me is the subject matter.  The Bible, the Hebrew scriptures, the testaments.  It's all 'out of my element,' unfamiliar territory, so to speak.  But that somewhat makes me curiouser, and curiouser.  When Dr. Sexson mentioned we will be taking a literary standing with the bible, that of images and narrative, I expected it but I was still relieved.  I was relieved because it seemed to lift the sacredness out of the text, for me, and make me feel less, how should I say this -- vile, sacrilegious, and evil since I have never once taken the time to read if I live by the bible's standards or not - though I highly doubt I even come close.  Or do I?  From the sound of the discussion today, the bible may have some very interesting, gory stories buried down in those pages.  I guess I'll just have to wait and see.      

Posted by bmcycleski at 11:13 PM EDT
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