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Ben Miller -Biblical Foundations of Literature - English 240
Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Class notes: 11/24/09

-Group Presentation day!

-Read Amanda Jones’ Blog!


A live performance with video clips;

-missing opra clip, but funny, err horrific, clips of people hit by busses.

-Modern displacements morals, innuendos,

-Final clip of Jesus prancing naked, sings, then WHAM!! Hit by a bus.

-Check Ashley’s blog for more info, summary, and other important Ruth Group apocalyptic knowledge.

-Baby Ruth candies!!


-Character names all have meanings, Ruth=Friend

-Line from Ruth still used in marriages,

-Buss shots: contemporary irony to fill lacunas

-Book of Ruth fulfilling story of lineage from Jesus to Kamar

-Esther Group

-The book of Esther from the imagination of a child.

-Live Performance

-Kids asked gramps to tell stories

-old senile, angry, grandpa 

-Frame narrative set-up, grandpa telling the story while actors act it out – great!

-The inter-noodle is the internet!



-Check Thomas’ blog for script and summary.

-1st and 2nd Samuel

-Rated R for nudity, language, and graphic content! Viewer discretion is advised!!

-The raising up of the Monarchy, Saul, David

-David’s tumultuous reign

-Great book, one of the best of the Old Testament.


-Sock puppet’s, awesome!!

-Derrick’s great falsetto voice!!

-Use of pictures projected as background, helps add context to the sock puppets,

-Sock puppets a great metaphor for god’s people…

-Bathsheba and David scene, erotic, funny,

-Discussion: Absolom’s death, hanging from his hair,

-David putting Bathsheba’s husband in front lines so he’s die

-Davis’s consistency of mourning for his sons


Posted by bmcycleski at 2:18 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 December 2009 12:47 PM EST
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