One, nibble on the moon for a midnight snack.
Two, wake up well before sunrise, build a portal through the chimney and land on the top of a mountain. Suspend time at the exact moment the sunrise is at its peak, an orangish glow smothering the landscape, and indulge in a never-ending powder ski run complete with pillow drops, straight lines, and tree taps. Or a never-ending serene mountain bike ride alternating between aggressive, technical terrain and sexy swerving single track. Then make it back to town, probably via portal again, for Dr. Sexson's mind altering class.

Three, do a headstand, sit up, pull up, and jumping jack at the same time.
Four, recite my entire life story in a single burp. BEEEELLLLCCCCCHHHH.
Five, you know when you crave a drink of water so bad it aches, drink the whole ocean.

And for number six, check back it's under construction.