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Ben Miller -Biblical Foundations of Literature - English 240
Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Class notes: Dec. 1st 2009, FRESH SNOW!!

Final exam is Friday, not this week, final’s week, 2 p.m.

-Final three group presentations-

            -Song of Solomon




-Group 4: Song of Solomon:

Sock puppet show

Forth graders in sexual education class


“tummy of wheat!”

Principal Solomon – 1000 wives, purely physical

Turning up the heat on Lucy’ burner in biology

“Faith” or “faint” with love

“Stately like the monkey bars and breasts like the rungs

Great performance, hilarious, informative,

The extended metaphor or allegory of the song of Solomon as Jesus’ love for the church and or God’s love for his people; but it’s still erotic poetry!! 


-Group 5- Acts Movie –I’m going to post it on YouTube eventually.  


-Group 6-Jonah: In The Guts of the Wall

-The F writer, for Fish

-Live Performance

-God’s incredibly long beard.

Holy Buddha! Lord Jesus Christ, Who’s that? I don’t know yet!

A real heart to heart, you spend three days inside someone and you get to know ‘em.

-Combination of Lot’s suffering incorporated in Jonah’s suffering.

Great use of photos along with actors and speeches!!

-Jonah becomes a false prophet

A lot of embellishment but great story and script.

-One main point or theme: God is not the fire and brimstone God but sympathetic; however Jonah is furious and a great prophet for the power of his words.

-Moby Dick Chapter 9, sermon by father Maple, -Jonah as a God fugitive!

In the belly of the whale, an initiation tale, transformations,


-Be in class next Thursday for the review for the final exam!!




Posted by bmcycleski at 2:11 PM EST
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